【轉知】THINFILMS 2024 call for abstract


THINFILMS 2024 call for abstract:https://www.thinfilms.sg/conferences/thinfilms2024

The International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings is a biennial event of knowledge exchange and interactive platform for researchers and engineers from industry, research laboratories and academia. ThinFilms2024 is the 10th of this series.

 Following the success of ThinFilms2002, ThinFilms2004, ThinFilms2006, ThinFilms2008, ThinFilms2010, Thinfilms2012, Thinfilms2014, ThinFilms2016 and ThinFilms2018, ThinFilms2024 will again bring together state-of-the-art developments on all aspects related to the processing, characterization and applications of thin films and surface coatings.


ThinFilms2024 will take place from 15 - 19 July 2024.


Sam Zhang, Chairman
Organizing Committee, ThinFilms Conference

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